Take the Plunge into a braver, stronger, you.
Cold Plunge
Over 7,000 miles of capillaries and veins run through your body.
Each one is controlled by tiny muscles that you usually have no control over. By exposing yourself to very cold water, the muscles contract and push blood towards your core. Regular practice improves the efficiency of this system, thus improving the body’s ability to thermoregulate in extreme conditions. That means waving chronic cold hands and afternoon chills goodbye, for good.
Blood that is pushed around the body is cleaned by the lymphatic system.
Pushing large quantities of blood around the body improves the body’s ability to clean itself. Regular use of Cold Plunge diverts large amounts of blood through the body on a regular basis which gives the body ample time daily to clean out any impurities or diseases that may be floating around in the blood or fluids.
Restricted blood flow to damaged or inflamed areas will reduce the pain and intensity of the damage.
Small and even trivial amounts of damage to the skin, muscles, or bones can cause blood to pool or gather in various ways. Regular exposure to cold flushes out the blood, reduces the swelling, and dramatically improves the recovery time.
It isn’t just the body that improves.
The psychological challenge of getting into very cold water is something that needs to be practiced as well. The regular practice of overcoming a physical challenge every day creates an improved mental strength that carries over in every aspect of your life. If you can handle this… you can handle anything.
Cold Plunge Services
Unlimited Membership
Are you ready for the opportunity to take your health to the next level? Sign up for a full time Elite Level Membership and get unlimited access to cold plunge and sauna plus our entire class schedule.
All Access Membership - $2860 / year
Fire & Ice
Combine the healing powers of the hot with the cold. Schedule a Fire & Ice session and get the benefits of both worlds.
Plunge Sessions
For only $80 a Basic Level Membership will get you 4 visits to ONE which can be used for any of our services including Cold Plunge
Drop In
Not sure if this is for you? Or maybe just want to try something new? Stop in or book online to make an appointment for a cold plunge! It only takes 30 minutes to change your life for the better.